Do you need your Zendesk Help Center to match your organization’s branding?

Helpdeskshop makes it easy! Simply request a branded Zendesk theme from us and we will help you with the branding. Our every theme is properly designed with much responsive look and feature which help you to build your brand image and reach your zendesk help center to the apex.

The offer includes the basic changes of a purchased theme so we can change the colors of Help Center elements, use your corporate font and logo, change hero image and custom icons.

If you have any specific design or mock-up available which you would like to transform as your help center then zendesk shop will do this for you. We have skilled designers with vast experience in designing the themes as per the client’s needs. Zendesk branding and customization includes the customization of your help center as per your website or as per the mock-up provided by you.
The cost of the zendesk branding & customization depends on the level of customization you want.

How it works?

You will just need to provide us with the colors, fonts, and images that you want to use. If you have brand’s style guide then we can use it or we can extract the colors and images from your business website and use it in your help center.


The entire process takes around 12–48 hours. We will create a demo Help Center where you will be able to check all the changes. After it, we can install the modified theme on your Zendesk Guide Help Center (it’s free).

What’ will be covered in Zendesk Branding and Customization?

  • Logo
  • Colors
  • Fonts
  • Icons
  • Background image
  • Homepage Layout
  • Category page layout
  • Section page layout
  • Article page layout
  • Other pages layout
  • Layout changes
  • Making the header and footer as on the corporate site
  • Other customizations