Zendesk Setup & Configuration

We help you set up your Zendesk account from scratch, tailoring the system to match your business needs.

This includes creating custom ticket fields, setting up user roles, email notifications, SLAs, and more to ensure a smooth, efficient workflow right from the start.

Custom Workflow Design

We design workflows tailored to your business processes, ensuring your support team works seamlessly.

Whether it’s setting up triggers, automations, or customized macros, we ensure your agents can focus on what matters—helping customers, not managing tickets.

Help Center & Knowledge Base Creation

We create a self-service help center for your customers, reducing the load on your support team.

Includes content organization, category creation, template design, and optimization of your knowledge base for easy access to FAQs and tutorials.

Custom App & Integration Development

Need something beyond the standard Zendesk features? We develop custom apps to integrate with your existing tools.

We can integrate Zendesk with CRMs, e-commerce platforms, and other third-party systems. This ensures smooth data flow across your business.

Omnichannel Support Integration

We bring together all your communication channels—email, chat, social media, messaging, messaging bot and phone—into Zendesk.

This ensures that your agents can manage customer interactions from multiple channels in one unified interface, boosting productivity and response times.


Training & Onboarding

We provide hands-on training and onboarding for your team to get the most out of Zendesk.

Our training includes admin setup, agent training, and best practices for ticket handling and customer communication. Custom training programs are available for different teams within your organization.

Zendesk Support Optimization

Already using Zendesk but not getting the most out of it? We audit and optimize your existing setup.

We fine-tune your current system by analyzing ticket workflows, automations, macros, and reporting features to ensure peak efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Reporting & Analytics

We set up detailed reporting so you can measure your customer service performance with ease.

From building custom dashboards to helping you track key metrics like First Response Time (FRT), resolution time, and customer satisfaction, we make sure you have actionable insights.

Migration to Zendesk

Moving from another platform? We handle the entire migration process, ensuring your data remains intact.

Includes importing customer data, setting up ticket fields, user roles, and migrating help center content without any data loss.

Ongoing Support & Maintenance

We offer ongoing technical support and maintenance to ensure your Zendesk instance runs smoothly.

This includes troubleshooting issues, managing upgrades, and adding new features as your business grows and evolves.