About the App

The “Reply notification” app is a top-bar zendesk app which displays notifications to the assigned agents for the new tickets and ticket replied by end-users.

Its interface is like a small window that pops up on the click of a button. It displays the list of tickets to the assigned agents like an email inbox. The agent can directly click on a ticket row to go to the ticket. The tickets once visited by the agent are displayed in a different color and the ones having new updates from the requester and still not visited by the agent are displayed in a different color. After the agent’s public replies on the ticket or after solving the ticket, the row is removed from the queue. After getting an end-users reply on the ticket, it is again added to the queue.

This app increases the efficiency of the agents to organize the tickets on which agents need to work next. Agents are just required to clear the queue each day and they don’t have to worry about skipping any ticket.


Reply Notification App - Reply Notification Zendesk App
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Last Update: May 28, 2022
Relased: April 13, 2022
Tags: Reply Notification App , Zendesk App ,